Keep your arms in the air throughout the exercise. The final move in this progression and we now do a hop up from the bottom of the squat and land back into the bottom of the squat. Now we raise both our arms straight up in the air, and do basic squats. This time stay low in the squat and pulse up and down a few inches, never coming fully out of the squat position. Just do basic parallel squats, bringing your hands together in prayer each time you squat down. This is the first move that is different then Alpha Cardio. Same footwork, but now we are jacking the arms as well. So, out 2 in 2 out 2 in 2, etc… As Shaun T says drive the balls of your feet down to conserve energy. Same move, except now when we jump out we hop in place and same when we jump together. Keep your hands pressed together in front of you and jack the feet in together and out. Now we are doing a slow motion jog and holding the knee up for a beat, before switching. Same exercise but now only land on your toes and keep your heels off the ground. Just alternate lifting your knee as high as you can with good posture. This workout starts exactly the same as Alpha Cardio.

The workout, like really all workouts, is what you make of it, so don’t cheat your self and make sure to get deep into your lunges and squats. My quads were screaming out for mercy about half way through those exercises. But regardless they are both great cardio workouts, and I find this one to be a little harder over all. For me the hardest moves are the Deep Lunge Holds and the Lunge Squat Progression. In a way I find it almost too similar, in that the first five minutes are identical, and there are other shared exercises as well. It is very much the same as Alpha Cardio, except there is more holding of lunges and squats.